Canada Postal Code Lookup

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What is Canada Postal Code Format ?

The postal code is a Six letter unique phrased, alphanumeric code in the form “A0A 0A0” where “A” is an alphabetic character and “0” is a numeric character. Two Part make up a Canada Post Code as per the following:-

  1. Forward Sortation Area (FSA) : The FSA is a mix of three letter (alpha-numeric-alpha). It identifies a major geographic area in an urban or a rural location.
  2. Local Delivery Unit (LDU) : The LDU is a mix of three characters (numeric-alpha-numeric). It identifies the smallest delivery unit in an FSA.

    Postal code format
    Postal code format -Canada

Canada Postal Codes’ First Segment (FSA) – Brief

The First Segment of  FSA is a specific area in a main geographic province. The FSA is the basis for the primary sorting of forward mail.

First Letter of Postal Code :-

The first letter of the FSA segment identifies one of the 18 major geographic areas, provinces, or districts which is alphabetical. Here explaining you  by image representation & tabular.

First letter of Postal Code

Geographic area

A Newfoundland and Labrador
B Nova Scotia
C Prince Edward Island
E New Brunswick
G Eastern Quebec
H Metropolitan Montreal
J Western Quebec
K Eastern Ontario
L Central Ontario
M Metropolitan Toronto
N Southwestern Ontario
P Northern Ontario
R Manitoba
S Saskatchewan
T Alberta
V British Columbia
X Northwest Territories/Nunavut
Y Yukon

Second Letter of Postal Code

The second letter of the Post Code is an important part of post or Package preparation as it identifies either. Second Letter of FSA is either 0 in Rural Post offices and 1-9 for Urban Area Post officies.

  • An City Postal Code: Numerical 1 to 9 (for example, M2T)
  • A Rural Postal Code: Numerical 0 (zero) (for example, A0A)

Third Letter of Postal Code

The third letter of the First segment area (FSA), in conjunction with the first two characters, describes an exact first alphabetical letter of :

  • City
  • Town
  • Other geographic area

Canada Postal Codes’ Second segment (Local Delivery Unit).

The Local Delivery Units calls LDU in sort format. The Local Delivery Unit (LDU), resemble by the last three letters of the postal code, allows for a more final sort in a First Segment of Postal Codes. Its alphanumerical mixtures. The LDU comprise of Two Parts again. One is City and Rural areas. Lets Check One by one.

Second Segment for City Areas of Postal Codes :-

In urban areas, the last three letter may indicate a:

  • Specific city block Name (one side of a street between two intersecting streets)
  • Single building Name
  • Large-volume mail receiver (rare cases)

Second Segment for Rural / Village Areas Postal Codes :-

In rural areas, the last three letter, a mixtures of Alphanumerical, together with the FSA, identify a specific rural community, area Name, landmarks.

What are the Abbreviations for the Canada States?

Province Postal Abbreviations
Alberta AB
British Columbia BC
Manitoba MB
New Brunswick NB
Newfoundland and Labrador NL
Nova Scotia NS
Ontario ON
Prince Edward Island PE
Quebec QC
Saskatchewan SK
Northwest Territories NT
Nunavut NU
Yukon YT

How to Write Address for Canada Post?

Find the postal address format for Canada Post below:

Address format for Domestic Post:

For Example.

Abee dorby
16A Bay ST
Wolfville NS  B4P 1L6

  • As mentioned above, the name of the recipient always comes on the first line. If you are mailing to a business, add the company name on the second line.
  • Then, write the delivery address on the next line. This line consists of your apartment number and the street name. Don’t forget to include the street directions.
  • Make sure to use the right abbreviations for words like street (ST), circle (CIR), an avenue (AVE).
  • The next line is also the last line of a Canadian postal address.
  • Write the city name followed by the state abbreviation and the mailing postal code.

Note that there should be two spaces left between the state abbreviations and postal codes as mention on the above table.

Address format for International Post

For Example:

Howard Doherty
770 Carnaby St
London, W1F 9PS
United Kingdom

About Canada Postal Code :-

A Canadian Postal Code generally covers only one side of one residential street. Numbered postal codes date back to 1925 when they were introduced in Toronto for the first time. For example, if you needed to mail to an address in zone 4, it was written in the below address format:

151 Edgemont Way South

Toronto 4, Ontario

In 1943, Toronto was segmented into 14 zones and numbered from 1 to 15. The numbers 7 and 11 remained unused. In 1944, Montreal also saw the implementation of postal zones.

Later, other Canadian cities were also split into postal zones, inclusive of Vancouver, Ottawa, Quebec, and Winnipeg. The addresses in these cities were also written with one-digit zone codes.

However, in the late 1960s, Canada Post introduced the three-digit code system replacing the earlier one-digit and two-digit zone codes. It was first implemented in major cities like Toronto, Vancouver, and Montreal.

Find below an example of an address in Vancouver with this new system:

862 Kinniburgh Blvd

Vancouver 106, Alberta

But, this three-digit zone number scheme was short-lived as Postmaster General Eric Kierans soon announced that they are cancelling it and introducing a new national postal code system.

Do you think an entire country shares a zip / post code?

Obviously, it has none fundamentally, Canada employments “postal codes”, and there are two or three million postal codes inside Canada.

3 thoughts on “Canada Postal Code Lookup”

  1. When I type in my home civic address, Canada post doesn’t recognize it on the site and sends the address to the another postal code 1 km away and changes my civic number. Can someone respond and I’ll clarify.

  2. Can you please tell me what address(es) are listed for m0r 9×0 postal code?
    I have a receipt for a parcel I sent a while back & don’t know to which file it belongs.
    For future reference (as my search for relevant webpage was fruitless) is there a link available that I can use to do a search online?
    Thanks 🙂


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